Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've got a fever..and i was absent from school yesterday..haishh i've missed a class in week of starter..but..i think..that was not a fever..yeah i know my self for sure.It was something like head pain..yahh sakit kepala yaa amat sangat!!It was too painful that i could not move faster or else,i would lost my steps..maybe myself could not stand anymore in quite cold weathr and rains were too much splashed on my face and drop on my head..nak dijadikan cite,i asked abah to stop me quite far from the gatelast Thursday.It wasquite jam in the school area cuz cars were lingering everywhere.With an umbrella,slowlyand patiently i arranged my steps to the school..what a pity of me when i had to walk against the rain!With wet uniform and dirty shoes(kasut baru weyh) i had to wear them for the whole day..(at last aku ponteng gak gotong-royng petang tuh..sory dearezz!)
After all,i don't even go to see the need lorh,,(i need it very badly)i'm just thinking bout why i need to see the doctor when i simply don't know how to describe my condition??i mean ape aku nak jawab bila doktor tu tanye aku sakit ape,rase camane,kat mane bahagian paling sakit..i just don't know how to answer all kind of that silly(?!)question!so there's no point for me to see him(huk alaa nak doktor lelaki)kang aku gi klinik tayang muka lawoo(ahakz!)kene marah fact,i  have to lay on bed,sleep for about 4 to 5 hours,drinks glasses of milk and eats 8 oranges in 8 hours just in order to know what,2 days are enough for me to recover without seeing doctor!!yeahh saya orang kuat!bukti??ney da aktif facebooking and blogging baleq..