Thursday, May 19, 2011

Exam mood now..

i'm in exam mood now !! Tonight , i wanna relax after all those tiring paper,, Tomorrow is going to sirah nabi,, Haa~ttah mana2 aku nak baca,,Huh feqah aku hancuz kott,,Yesterday, i returned home after asar as my parents had meeting di saat2 akhir,,memang la rasa nak nangis tak dapat balik uma,, Dah la buku habuk pun tak bawa nak hafal ! Yesterday night, i slept on 9 pm,, aWal derr letih merajuk punya pasal,, Ingat pukul 4 agi nak bangun tapi sudahnyaaa... So, an hour before taking feqah, i worked hard la to memorise those kalimat in that kitab,, Hafal tebuk2 so jawab pun tebuk2 la kan,, Kena sound punya pasal (orang lain oke) aku tak jadi laa nak tanya jiha sikit2,, Enough for yesterday,, That afternoon with blanky and dizzy + serabut head, tak pasal2 melekat atas meja,, Menyulam mimpi !! I kept wondering on why did cikgu didn't wake me up ?? Biasanya siapa tidur masa exam kena berdiri,, Aku pandai cover kot haha ! Semua jelez ngan aku cuz aku rilex jep,, Aku kan memang macam ni,, Markah pun rilex r !
Oke2 membebel je tau nye,,tadi survey2 blog kak syasya+cik abg fuzaimi KITORANG,,,,,,,, OMG so sweet !!! Tak mudoh da die,, I know your secret !! but seriously i love the way they show their love each other,, nampok benonye abang fuzaimi sayang ke kak syasya,, ayat jiwang2 !! And now i realize that there's still a guy who appreciate his girl and keep his loyalty on just his girl,, the only girl ! Ada lagi lelaki yang baik, penyayang dan sewaktu dengannya sekarang ney,, Bila la aku nak jumpa seorang lelaki macam abah (gatai naa ! ) Btw kepada kak syasya dan cik abangnye, semoga ada jodoh antara korang,, bahagia laa ye,, disebabkan akak n abang sweet sangat, saya turut mendoakan jugak la ye !
Back to the point, i want my Hidayatul Amira !! Yeah frankly speaking kitorang terasa jugak ngan awak,, Yeah kitorah mengaku kitorang salah,, Memang kitorang perasan, time exam ni lain bebeno awak ngan kitorang,, Yeah kitorang faham memang tiap kali exam awak akan duduk jauh ngan kitorang tapi dulu sekurang-kurangnya awak akan rehat ngan kitorang,,galax2 jugak ngan kitorang,, but now ?? bercakap pun payah,, Dengan sepenuh hati saya minta maaf dengan awak sebab dah sakitkan hati awk dengan apa yang saya dah buat dalam exam,, Tapi hari ni tak buat taw !! semalam jep sikit,, Please,,let us unite again in Fara Darina just in order to achieve success together,, Let us correct and improve our selves,, Don't be such a pesimis with us just because of that mistake,, Kita sama2 pernah buat kan.. No one's perfect but stupid mistake such that can be prevented with usaha, tawakkal, doa dan kasih sayang kita semua,,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Juz a lil' bit,,

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang was just finished last afternoon,, Didn't expect that my name was in the list,, Alhamdulillah anyway,, I'm into choral speaking's team since yesterday,, Yahh i had to replace other member's place,, Just imagine how am i gonna do that choral voice just with a day practice ?? Haha wat cam ane lagi kann,, hafal setakat yang boleh,yang lain tu mime jep la,, btw nak cakap sikit,uniform dia santex taw ! dari dulu lagi aku berkenan haha,, During the school period, all of us were busy touching up our mural,, Parkiran Delima aku entah apa cerita,, Sorry la kengkawan !
Ishh princess aku terasa ngan aku since yesterday,,Aku rasa dah lama kott.. Fara Darina pun terasa ngan aku,, Semuanya disebabkan Onx sentiasa ngan aku,, It's all start with when aku nak pergi latihan choral speaking,, Aku selalu pergi dengan Onx padahal Myra ada,, Fiqah ada,, ramai lagi laa ! Korangg dengar laa
Bukan niat saya nak pergi dengan dia tapi da dia yang cari saya dulu ! Please get to know that i'm always seeking for u myra,,but every time i wanna see u, pandangan saya macam terhijab tau,, serius cakap sakit leher saya melilau cari awak,, bila awak takde, Onx tarik tangan saya, saya takde geng so saya ikut jep la,,Serius cakap mirr saya memang nak pergi ngan awak,,Buat apa saya pergi ngan orang lain kalau Fara Darina ada kan ?? Serius cakap saya tak sanggup tengok awak jeling saya macam tu lagi,, Saya sedey,,nampak sangat saya tak hargai kawan,,saya sayang Hidayatul Amira sangat2 ! Awak sayang saya tak ??
Btw kelakar la sorang2 ! Almaklum uniform santex,, tambah pulak ngan kain kipas belakang n kasut bertumit sikit,, macam itik da berjalan,,Aku punya cara berjalan da la semacam,, umi cakap macam model sesat ! Dalam ramai2, mirr kesayangan aku la paling kontrol ayu macho dan sebagainya ! Langsung tak nak duduk ! Awak da cute da mirr,,tak payah nak jaga sangat,, Anyway memang aku nak gelak guling2 la bila tenngok the way she walks..carrying herself in that suit huhuhu,, She's a careful girl,,too concern sometimes,, no matter what, i love the way she is,, Eh baby , gie , mas and fatty pun aku sayang jugak.. Please take note bout that oke !!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy birthday !!

Happy birthday to me,,
Happy birthday to me,,
Happy birthday to Nasuha,,
Happy birthday to me !!

Hahah sound like a desperate girl who wanna wish herself happy birthday,, sukati lorh,, i am 15 today,, (birthday gurl bangun pukul 7 pagi hari ney !! ) At first, i thought that Fara Darina had forgotten my birthday..Sokey laa cuz i almost forgot it myself,, Rupa2 nya, a surprise waited me at the end of the school period,, All of sudden, they gathered infront and it made me wanna know on what was happened.. Alamak sayang aku nak nangez !! They sang to me louder n louder.. Gosh terharu !! Siap repeat lagi cuz princess aku nak record dalam kamera,, Fiqah la ke hulu ke hilir record kitorang,,manje2 ngade2 gitu,, Btw thanx Bii Gie Mirr Mas n Fatty !! I should love korang till the end of my life,, Huhu nak nangiz :' D And to all of my friends, thanx for your wish,,your remember on me is the most precious thing for me,,

Satu lilin cukup,, 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm back !!

It had been a long time since i didn't write anything here..Busy with kinda school task lorh,,folio sana folio sini,kerja kursus situ..Feels like nak duk dalam hutan jep..kawan ngan koala haa~I am now at uma tok mak,, so damn mizz this land !! Ney nak cite,, Aku rasa, aku memang mandi kat uma tok je sepanjang aku balik ni,, Pagi tadi riuh family aku cakap air busuk la bau cam bangkai la ape laa,, start ngan umi, semua bilik air dia masuk. Last2 masuk bilik mandi aku, memang sah air berbau.. Aku malas nak ambik tahu, berbungkus ngan selimut tak bangun2,, Memandangkan kedudukan tangki air tu dekat ngan bilik aku, dengar laa jugak ape yang dorang cakap. Mula2 aman pergi tengok, " ada bangkai biawak la aman rasa ! " ajaq pulak " eh bukan la !! anak kambing !! " hasya la mata paling bagus " umi !! Dewi ke dalam telaga tu ?! " memang sah, kucing jiran aku.. Aku bangun2 je terus masuk kereta cuz umi ajak mandi at uma tok,, Sampai je, ada pulak la ulangan si kate middleton n prince william nikah,, lepas gian punya pasal, semalam tak dapat tengok kan,, tercongok la aku kat situ sampai pukul 12,, hadoyaii first time dalam hidup aku jadi tak senonoh,, zohor baru nak mandi,, anyway, segala rancangan kena batal hari ni cuz abah sibuk membersih dan menyucikan tangki air tu,, habis digali segala benda,, tah la,, aku tak ambik tahu sangat,, geli !!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Best yaa amat!!

Waa best la ari ney ! Tade pape pun .. It just we managed to finish 3 topics in maths today !! Starting from algebraic expressions, algebraic formulae n solid geometry III .. Tadi pun nyaris nak masuk scale drawing tapi jam elok-elok pukul 4.30.. kena balik.. syukur yaa amat bila otak aku boleh masuk sume benda even masa shortt sangat.. pagi sejam, addition class sejam.. malam ni tinggal nak bagi segala benda tu kemas jep dalam otak ney.. Cabaran .. gitu la wey..sume nak kena rush..jap !!!!!!!!!!! korang,, kita tak ambik pun kerja KEKA untuk hari ni !! wulaweyy belambak la keje esok ...!!! Aku puasa hari ni tau (tak riyak oke, bese r kena pose..) ,nasib baik kelas maths .. kalau tak lama da aku lentok .. Tapi kan aku rasa, aku tak penat sangat cuz kandungan gula n lemak banyak buat stor.. kira penternak lemak yang paling berjaya da aku ney.. so bila rasa letih je, terus dia bakar stor2 tak guna tu.. kita bako kita bako !!
Ambik kaw sayangg,habis aku kena hentam ngan budak ney.. tak sangka dia cukup terasa gula dan garam sekali ngan rempah even aku fail bab2 dapur.. Terasa sangatt agaknya dia,habis mengamuk kat jihah n nurin..memang aku teruk giler la pada pandangan dia.. tak pernah tau boys mengamuk kat aku..sampaikan jihah tawarkan nombor aku(jihah memang nak kena!) pun dia boleh cakap "huh tak hingin aku nombor si naia tu!!" bukan nak berlagak oke tapi frankly speaking budak tu laa satu-satunya boys yang tak terhegeh-hegeh minta nombor aku..jihah offer pun dia taknak!aku .......... ntah la .... tade la benci or anti kat dia tapi naturally aku memang jenis melawan..dia kate cam ney tau-apa yang dia cakap aku akan bidas balik even benda yang dia cakap tu betul..sini la aku nak cakap...aku kalau orang tegur aku dengan cara hentam,aku akan hentam dia 2 kali ganda..tapi ketahuilah hati aku masih suci untuk nampak kebenaran..aku akui dia betul tapi dalam masa yang sama,apa yang aku cakap betul jugak ok !! dia terasa dengan frasa 'nak komen kat pixca aku,ilmu mesti full!"oke2 aku akui kesalahan aku..ilmu aku pun low jugak..habis dia kutuk aku..siap cakap aku sempurna laa konon padahal ilmu low to my hand !! yes i admit,TERSENTAP jugak aku..tapi ikut laa..Ko tak kenal cane aku..Dah cane nak kenal aku,awal2 chatting lagi takde salam takde mukaddimah ko terus cakap aku senget !! ko terus cakap aku macam2 !! aku perempuan,sekeras mana pun aku terasa jugak .. Aku dah la jenis penakut ngan lelaki,ko buat pulak aku macam tu..lagi laa aku tinggikan benteng ego aku !! i am high in ego..tu kelemahan aku .. takpela,biar laa aku minta maaf .. sikit lagi aku mesej ko shahir .. sekarang tak boleh,fb tengah baiki service .. hadoyaii aku jugak kena minta maaf ngan ko kan..tapela ko tak salah .. aku yang sombong sangat ..

p/s aku rasa nak nangis jep bila seorang lelaki cakap macam tu..tapi aku rasa malas pulak nak nangis..kang cantik mata aku hahaha ! Tape tape tape saya orang kuat !! do i care bout that ?! yes i have to care ..

Monday, March 28, 2011

A day at smkis..

Such a wonderful day at smkis..Full with experiences and knowledge bout n jiha,nurin n laila,mas n naz take part in water rocket n parachute,future car making n making speed boat..Yeah we don't win anything..sengit wey,14 buah sekolah join..niat aku just nak gi tengok pameran sains n dengar pasal kejuruteraan by ump tu..apakan daya when i met along..haha nak selit sikit.Memang tujuan aku malas r jumpa's all start when aku kat bilik ape tah,nak dengar taklimat ney..tengah borak ngan jiah,ade sorang mamat swit n panggil aku..laa along!he wishes me best of luck!thanx yaa along,sanggup awak cari orang kat atas..ingat jugak along kat orang..wulawey nak nangez..!!tahu tak,ramai nak amik gambar kitorang..yela,kitorang la satu-satunya gadis-gadis melayu terakhir yang pakai baju uniform sekolah main roket kat tengah padang..siap ngan tudung labuh lagi!dah la kitorang budak bawah umur,sume kat sana form 4 or 5..dah tu,sekolah kitorang jep la yang takde wakil lelaki even sorang(ape punye statement daa)..cerita di sebalik launching kitorang punya roket tu terpaksa diPRIVATE N CONFIDENTIALkan..btw it gives us lots of info bout pressure and so on!
Future car making pulak-kesian betul aku kat nurin n laila..Orang lain sibuk tebuk sana,varnis sini,gerudI situ tapi dorang tetap laa statik kat meja tu..buat jep ikut dan..comey weyh hasil akhirnya..and kitorang la pasukan yang hanya dianggotai oleh puteri-puteri..
Making speed boat pulak-Part ney la paling best!!Mas n Naz ada kawan baru..Abang SHAH hahaha!Saling bantu-membantu gitu tapi bot mas n naz yang dapat gi semi final..Sian abang SHAH..Haa along masuk speed boat ni tapi disebabkan dia masuk lambat,kena laa buat masa second round..Tu laa along,awak sibuk sangat dating kat chemistry lab tu..Kitorang gi tengok orang buat bom kat situ dengan niat dapat jumpa shyda..hahah memang jumpa facetoface awek along tu..siap borak lagi..Tak jumpa la mende yang along letupkan tadi..alah yang along tunjuk dalam kamera tuh..first time tau kitorang jumpa calcium sulphade , potassium hydrogen carbonate solution(tah ye ke tidak)detergent , iodine , hydrochloric acid pun ade hahaha..Tu jela yang aku kenal..Siyez cakap i can't wait to learn chemistry next year!!!(ehem tu pun kalo result gempax)Biology lab aku tak masuk cuz menurut kata along,orang tengah operate katak.Dushh mau pengsan n longgar urat nadi aku tengok darah bersembur!Balik pada bot,tak sangka lepas penat berlari-lari(haha mastura) ngan buat u-turn tah berapa kali(mastura lagi!eh nazihah lagi syok!)akhirnya bot dorang dapat jugak speed..Tahniah la korang dan buat julung2 kalinya skul kitorang la yang hanya dianggotai oleh puteri sahaja..
Last mestila amik gambar kan..Tak sangka laila hantu kamera rupanya..Dalam kelas steady je awak ek..Pukul 3 sampai rumah,aku rasa macam ada yang tak kena jep..padanla,aku tak sentuh apa-apa pun dari pagi sampai la sekarang..Ouh let's jump into conclusion,so many things that we learnt just now..most important is we learnt on how strong is the air pressure is..Mineral bottle cannot been use in making rocket(jihah,panduan untuk kita ek haha!)..steps in making parachute must be done correctly as it will not open when the time needed(haha 2 dari 14 skola je yang terbuka parachutenye..)we also learnt on how to think outside the imaginative and creative..and also learn on how to work properly with our powerful mind and ready to make changes towards better..Panjang betul bila aku berceloteh kan..??

Busy updating our rocket..
background:dinding smkis yang ada mural peta malaysia haha..

Sempat lagi tu..dah2 orang nak pasang nozzle n fin pulak..

Background:padang tempat launch roket..hari gelap,da la kitorang pun sedia gelap dushh
jihah tinggi sangat r tu..??

Hahah comey sangat kereta korang..orang lain sume gabak!

Venue future car..see jihah??haha juz for fun sayang..siyez muka buruk time ney

Mas,Naz and abang SHAH abang SHAH sorang agi mane??

Yahh khusyuk tangga kejayaan!

Jangan main2!Nurin n Laila mampu menerbangkan kete ney!

We're sunshine !!

Kitorang sunshine , korang moonlight dah la...

Frankly speaking,memang muka aku da bulatt..kalah jihah..

Nurin nak terbang da tu..

Nak balik daa..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Eternal eva in my heart..

Still remember bout masisupa ?? Haa today i would like to publish some of my pixca here..Before that,i wanna say that masisupa gempax habez !! one thing for sure,my school has its own spirit-love of friendships,cooperation,encouragement and many more..since our school don't have boys to cheer out loud like other school,we can only clap so loud !! Naik pijar tapak tangan,,smataf ?? terbaik !! smataf ?? terbaik !! sape yg terbaik ?? smataf hahaha !! btw , our debate's team cannot go to final .. kalah derr .. sokey laa da long as we know that we had done our best.. (eh cik kak , reply speech kamoo quite bad) ..sebelum bertanding,aku da awal2 nangis.. ape daa.. memang aku tak stabil emosi betul,, nervous makkk.. nak lagi bila salam pengetua , mencurah curah macam waterfall ! At the end,kitorang dapat naib johan untuk acara ilmiah..

1st debater-slangnye yaa amatt

 penerangan:pinjam spec fatty oke..
                                                        :kasi seragam pune pasal
                                                        :tell me da truth! sy comey x hahaha

starving faces..lost our appetite cewahh-nervous punye pasal

now kat venue bahas bm,,waa hudush2

pix terburuk,alasan : tudung senget,angin tiup so kena baiki kn?!                                                              
jarum cucuk pipi!sakit wey!(still kontrol,,)

  climax nite at The Crown..ngantuk ney..

Nak balik da..yahh da four of us !

Actually  da pixca are more than those above..i think that's enough..pixca masa tengah bertanding banyak pada akak..3 videos are in my camera but i had to endure many hardships (cakap jela malas) to upload them..too slow so cancel... !! sokey kan , korang tamau tengok pun..


Friday, March 18, 2011

Can i have a brother??

Before focusing on my story,i would like to tell you bout salah satu peribadi aku..Aku jenis yang mudah jatuh sayang pada orang yang baik dengan aku..but don't get me wrong yaa..bukan J A T U H C I N T A yaa tapi J A T U H S A Y A N G ..

And that's happened to a brother of my friend..For the first time in my life,i feel like i have a brother..a brother who fullfill my wish..he is gila-gila,mengong,kelakar but at the same time he is loving caring and aku rasa selamat bila along ada..maklum laa aku first time naik bas balik kampung..jauh weyh.. 
Actually i've knew along for quite long time when he said that my picture when i was in form one cute hahaha!!Starting from that,we started to chat in fb and bla bla bla..i've never expect that aku akan jumpa along facetoface..thanx yaa syafik sebab ko kenalkan aku ngan abang ko..sorry r aku bab2 abang ney emo sikit..Siyez cakap aku jelez giler ngan ko syafik sebab ko ade abang cam along..tonight,along,,syafikah and fariz will be taking the bus to return to pekan..Thanx yaa teman orang balek..Orang doakan sume selamat sampai..

  Along orang curi pixca along satu ..tak marah kan ..
  Awex along tak marah punye..            

Friday, March 11, 2011

For this time being,,

Quite busy with all kinds of school activity..Berkorban apa sajaa da aku jadi ney..
awak,awak tak call saya pun ek..saya malu giler la nak call saya nak cite neyh..
awak tau tak,saya tak balik kampung,,Pagi tadi family saya hantar saya kat uma akak..Now saya kat uma akak..
Nape??sebab saya masuk debat,awak..
Esok kitorang bertolak ke rompin,,3 hari kitorang kat situ..
Hari selasa malam,pukul 10.30,saya naik bas balik kampung..
Hee~ saya balik jugak akhirnya,,   
Awak risau tak saya balik kampung naik bas malam2 ney??
Tak ek??hahaha saya balik ngan kawan saya.. 
Doakan saya ek..saya nak dapatkan trofi best debater even english saya beku hee~  
Then doakan saya selamat pergi n selamat sampai..
Will miss awak hahahahahaha
Awak,saya takut laa kalau Dinie tido kat uma akak jugak..That's mean saya kena share bilik ngan dia..
Ishh saya takut betul betul betul laa tido ngan orang..
Kirim salam kat atul ye..Sian dia..Saya selalu lambat baca mesej yang dia bagi..
Siyez cakap saya busy..awak pun selalu nampak saya balik lambat kan??awak nampak saya tak hee~
Awak tau tak,saya dah berani ulang-alik naik bas..Abah pun daa percaya kat  saya..
Oke oke oke awak bosan ek..Babai..  

Friday, February 25, 2011


                                                    Nak gi study group macam nak gi tido..

Ouchh those eyebags are worth enough for me...Mata panda mata panda,,please get out from my eyes!!You allz make me look like a nanny..Don't have any idea to get rid from them..Adoyaii..takkan aku nak pakai eye mask ke..garnier ke..kecik2 lagi da ajar pakai segala eye mask bagai,,I'started to realize their presence when every person that i met would say eh teruknya eye bag awak..awak x cukup tido ek..Not enough sleep??My eyes cannot stand any further when the clock shows on 10pm...Baru-baru ney la,i've followed some tips given by a mag..-put some hot milk on your eyebags with cotto buds-i've tried it but there are no changes..maybe i should do it properly and everyday since aku baru je buat sekali.... (cehh ape daa...)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Aku sombong ek.. i that type ?? Please guys..get to know me more..then you will find me that i am not as bad as you thought..Yeah aku memang tak tegur kalau orang tak tegur aku dulu..And i might admit that my face looks naturally sombong n berlagak..And that person is one of my close friend-i think..Haishh..there must be someone yang cakap gitu..Bukan sorang dua..Aku da sedia maklum..And that thing continues until i am now in secondary school..What causes them to say like that ??

-  From their eyesight,aku hanya berkawan dengan orang cerdik,pengawas,senior2 yang femes kat skola..
-  Bila dorang senyum kat aku dari jauh,aku tak balas pun..
-  Plus,aku just layan bebudak yang ada rupa jep..

Okeh,those who have been judged me wrong,,READ CAREFULLY..If you are not in this type,please tell your friend that you know they think the same as those above..

- Kawan2 sayangku..saya kawan je dengan sesiapa..tapi as i said before,saya tak tegur orang selagi orang tu tak tegur saya..Dah kitorang berkawan sejap dari form 1 n darjah 1 lagi,takkan la sebab dorang jadi pengawas,cerdik,femes,saya tak nak kawan dengan dorang kann
Bab akak2 senior pulak,da akak2 tu tegur saya dulu..takkan nak buat sombong kot..Please,,rational sikit..
- Haishh sensitif betul bab2 mata ni..I'm a short-sightened one but i don't wear spec..don't you know that?! I just can't recognise your face when you are far-distance from me..Don't you understand my prob?!
- Hahah i can't get the point on why did you said like that..riddiculous !! 'women are born with beauty'..For me,someone which i call a friend is beautiful..Everyone has their own beauty..Sirius cakap!Just be confident with yourself..Macam saya haha !!

But it's important that wehave to be a choosy one in choosing friends..Yup,i am one of them..Betul la kan,kalau kawan dengan orang yang tak senonoh,ngan kita2 sekali boleh terpengaruh..Tapi tak salah kalau niat nak pimpin dia ke arah yang benar..But sorry that is not me..diri sendiri pun tak betul,berani2 nak bimbing orang..Last2 dua2 hampeh ! Hah naye.. So sayangku sekalian..don't accuse me as much as you like..I have my own factor..Tanye kabo la sket kat kawan korang yang sorang ney..

    Thanx dear for your willing in telling me all these information so that i can fix myself better..Thanx for your back-up too!! Lup you much more babe :' )

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bad i??

Dearest friends..sorry for taking so much time to understand on what u all think bout me..Siyez i don't know anything..i am not a perfect one guys..i just don't understand on what do u mean with i am not a loyal friend..or maybe i don't understand on what u guys think at all!And now i'm gonna tell u what is in my mind..Aku sayang korang sangat3 cuz korang memang baik even aku...don't know how to describe myself..Sirius cakap aku hargai kehadiran korang dalam hidup aku..Korang la kawan yang paling hyper yang pernah aku jumpa even kebanyakan hyper kita membuatkan orang pekak..-That's what i'm expecting for..aku rasa sangat diambil berat,disayangi even mungkin x..Tetiap hari ada je aku tulis ngarut2 tapi baik ekk pasal korang..poems la syair la hape la-tapi hukum nahu sume aku hentam jep.i'll display one of my hasil ngarut..But it comes deep from my scarlet heart..Korang tak percaya aku tulis??tanya fatty cuz dia yang membebel suruh aku padam sampai aku habis tulis..(aku conteng meja lorh,,)

A world to discover,
with two tiny hands
and powerful mind from Creature..
An accompany
should be fine
for me,
who can lead me
to be alwayson the right path..
Someone with
honest and truth
and trusting me,
is a necessary for my soul..
Promise me,
never abuse me like rubbish
when i'm down..
But always gives me your shoulder
to cry on..
And put your hands
on my shoulder,,
To help me in seeking calmness..
And now i'm favouring you,
to accept me
just for what i am myself..
So that you can understand
And an ease will come to me..
To understand you,
better than anyone else..

Special dedicated to Dinie Durrani Afiqah and Da FaRa DaRiNa

Thursday, February 17, 2011


In front of my beloved science reference book..
He says that,,
He loves me..he likes me so very much..
And i don't have the idea to response..
Cuz adeq dia yang cakap..
Ape daa awak..
Tak nak kawan.

Hahah feeling like wanna jiwang2 lorh,,

My phone got soo many calls today that i had to reject some of them which is not really important to me..(and also wat aku rasa nak tumbuk orang)..jahat??yeah that's me..wanna say what?!
But sorry awak..masa awak call tu,ada lagi 1 call yang saya kena jawab..Tak masuk 2 calls yang di hold onn..Last2 saya off kan terus..
Thanx amoi(he's a boy actually) for your call..Haha tak sangka kazen kaw yang sekelas ngan aku masa darjah 3 still ingat kat aku..Touching betul laa when somebody tells me that people out there still keep myself in their memory..Wahai kamu2 sekalian,ingatkah kamu kat aku??

Yes??yeah i knew it already!!lup u!!
No??aii kecik hati..

Friday, February 11, 2011

Life thru sports day..

7th of February-Miss skola..(tipu tipuu)Upon reaching school,jihah told me that we would have a netball match this evening..Me ?? Don't know anything bout that..What should i do now.. ?? Ney nak nangis nih..Dinie tolong saye !! ..Me ?? as a GK ?? Hello kak,saye ney tak cukup inci,cinonet je kalau nak bandingkan dengan GS Biru tuh..Aduhh nervous2..They played very fast to shoot the ball and i  worked very hard to prevent them.At last,we were da winner !!

10th of February-Acara ilmiah,which i took part in Public Speaking open category competition..1st runner up baby with only one mark differ..Down betul ! Dinie was in Kupasan Hadis competition..Bravo sis !!Tempat akhir ?? Sokey babe..i am proud of you bcuz you've showed me enough that you are willing to take risk and do something that is totally different from your ability and interest..Bukan calang2 orang tau nak masuk mende alah ney..You're much more better than me cuz saya ambik apa yang saya daa biasa buat..No matter what,u are the winner in my heart..

11th of February-Final day..Once again we won the game !! Aku pengerusi untuk forum hari ni..Almost clash with netball..Habis je main,terus je aku campak bip kat akak GD(thanx kak!)..With oily face,smelly(tak pun..)body and kelelahan yang tak terhingga,i quickly got into my uniform and ran towards the mudarraj as fast as i could!What a relief when i still got couples of minutes to prepare..Overall,everything went smoothly today..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Angel of Love n Care..happy birthday..


Happy 42nd birthday..
Yes i love you till the end of my life..
Cuz you are my only angel of love,care,calmness,happiness and inspiration..
Thanx for always believing in me..
Ummi tau,i always wanna be a wonder woman just like you..
It's truly a blessing to have ummi as my angel in this hard world..
There is no other super dupper power mum like ummi..
May Our Merciful gives His blessings upon our life till heaven..




Friday, January 21, 2011

Cinta suci should be like this;

Ya Allah,
Jika aku jatuh cinta
Cintakanlah aku pada seseorang
yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMu,
untuk mencintaiku..

Ya Allah,
Jika au jatuh cinta
Jagalah cintaku padanya
Agar tidak melebihi
cintaku padaMu..

Ya Allah,
Jika aku jatuh cinta
Izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati
seseorang yang hatinya
tertaut padaMu
Agar tidak terjatuh aku
dalam jurang semu..

Ya Allah,
Jika aku jatuh cinta
Jagalah hatiku padanya
Agar tidak berpaling dariMu..

Ya Allah,
Sesungguhnya aku memohon
untuk selalu mencintaiMu..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh dugaan..

Best nye laa hidup aku hari ney..Malu lak rase bila ingat balik..Even apa yang berlaku hari ni takde laa 'best' sangat tapi disebabkan aku ni jenis over and pemalu(yela tuh) tebal gak rase muka..It's all start with aku bangun pagi pukul 4;30 untuk study..Tahun ni aku dah ubah rutin cuz mata aku memang berat gilerr bila jam dah lebih pukul 10 malam..Kerja rumah belambak so siap je terus bumm!Tak sempat study..kena la ganti..Dalam tengah mamai tu,aku pegang botol air(tah nape).Tetiba la jatuh,habis basah paper science aku makkk,,Kat sekolah makcik masak ape tah,semerbak kelas aku..Saye pose makcik ! Dugaan..Ney la kisah nye,maa akhir ialah Sejarah.Aku kurengg betul laa ngan Sejarah so masa cikgu tengah bagi penerangan aku tulis nota(konon2).Pastu aku dengar dikgu cakap ' ........... cepat sape2 bangun,satu perenggan je'.Aku bila tengok takde orang bangun,dengan penuh yakin aku pun baca la..Sampai baris ketiga,aku dengar da FaRa DaRiNa bising-bising, 'nas cikgu suruh terang la bukan baca..'Terangkan ?? haishh aku da laa tak baca lagi bab nih!Last2 aku tengok buku teks sekali lalu,aku terang je ikut sukati..Hah amek kaw,sebijik ayat dalam buku teks!Habis kat situ,kitorang bincang kerja yang cikgu bagi..Biasa laa kan,aku suka bangun untuk jawab soalan..Loceng pun berbunyi tapi tinggal satu soalan je tak jawab.Takde orang nak jawab soalan tu.Aku pun dah busy  packing till tak dengar ada orang dah bangun untuk jawab soalan tu.Fatty yang sama budeq ngan aku suruh aku jawab.Aku nak balik punya pasal terus bangun and baca soalan tu laju2.Habis je,dorang2 ni cakap 'weyy syafiqah dah baca tiga ayat,ko terus habiskan!'Halaa habis aku kena gelak..Sorry!!Sekarang nak amek wudhuk,solat zuhur berjemaah sebelum balik.Angin kuat hari ni,padan ngan panas mentari..aku sangkut tudung kat atas dinding tu..buka la air,khusyuk ni nak dapat pahala sunat.Lepas aku habis basuh muka,aku tengok tudung aku dah jatuh.Waa makkk!!basah tudung aku!!!Kat situ jugak la aku nangis(takde keluar air mata pun)Nurin pulak gi kebas2 tudung aku kat depan,macam nak jemur kain!Aku yang kat dalam ney disabarkan oleh Jihah..Adoyaii dah buat free show..Nasib baik la masa jatuh takde orang yang tengah berkumur..Kalau tak,sanggup aku pakai kain telekung..Habis cite,aku pakai jela tudung tu even area paling basah kat muka..Memang aku dah terfikir habis la aku pakai tudung kerepot..Nasib baik bentuk muka aku bujur,tudung tu aku pakai jadi jek,takde kesan pun..(Hah perah santan perasan)Nak balik dah ney 'along,ummi ada meeting la,along tunggu kat sekolah ummi kejap ye??' waa ummey!!along puasa....letih ney..nasib la..kang jumpa pulak dia hayy..Tak tersangka aku dugaan banyak hai ni..bagi aku laa..mungkin orang lain tak kisah tapi aku budak cengeng..nasib2..

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tired Tired Tired

What a tiring day..I just feel that i can't wake up without Him,,Tired mind in school continued with that koko activity..(hey i'm a co-president for da Persatuan Geografi you know)tah budak form one mane cadang nama aku.. and taekwondo..We had to repeat the same pattern for i don't know berapa kali..juniorzz punye pasal laa..tape2 dik asal korang minat ngan taekwondo,100 kali pun akak (??) sanggup ulang..madam !! i can't follow da do-san pattern correctly la..

Okeh gotta do something..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

When a girl..

When a GIRL is quiet ...

millions of things are running in her mind.

When a GIRL is not arguing ...
she is thinking deeply.

When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how
long you will be around.

When a GIRL answers ' I'm fine ' after a few seconds ... she is not at all

When a GIRL stares at you she is wondering why you are lying.

When a GIRL lays on your chest .. she is wishing for you to be hers forever.

When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.

When a GIRL says ' I love you ' .. she means it.

When a GIRL says ' I miss you ' .... no one in this world can miss you more than

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person ....

Find a guy .. who calls you beautiful instead of hot.

who calls you back when you hang up on him.

who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ..... kisses
your forehead.

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.

Who holds your hand in front of his friends.

Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he
is to have you.

Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!! '

Monday, January 17, 2011

Enjoying Math class!

So many things that i've learnt through the tiring and daring school days..What a really enjoyable math class i had today..Talking bout math-something that i've never thought to love before..I don't like math since i was in primary school..But don't get me wrong yaa..A is always on my paper..That's the old me-who don't know how to make herself enjoy during da class..Seiring dgn usia(ececehh)i am now a math addicter when i really can feel a strange feeling when math book is not infront of my eyes..solving math problems can make me happy..i couldn't idescribe on how satisfy am i solving the problems..Abah and Teacher Norbi..These person are responsible a lot in bringing me to judge math through a positive thinking..Beginning Algebra by K.Elayn Martin-Gay makes me appreciate the uses of math in our daily live..After all,math is not as hard as i thought before.Most important is we must study the chapters earlier than the teacher all by ourselves..I am not a geniuzz one so i ask my friend's help instead of trusting myself to discover that numbering thing all by my own hands.. Tapi kalau tatau tuh tanye orang lorh,,
What's more shouLd i write today..ahah i became imam during the zohor prayer!Hahaha quite nervous..Almaklum,this is my first time..Dinie,Tipah and Ima tak percaya ek,,jaat kamoo!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


         YEAH   DON'T HAVE        TO   SAY


        IS BROKEN..


              SO CWIT   OF U    LALINK  !!

motif ; just enjoying myself  ; )

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've got a fever..and i was absent from school yesterday..haishh i've missed a class in week of starter..but..i think..that was not a fever..yeah i know my self for sure.It was something like head pain..yahh sakit kepala yaa amat sangat!!It was too painful that i could not move faster or else,i would lost my steps..maybe myself could not stand anymore in quite cold weathr and rains were too much splashed on my face and drop on my head..nak dijadikan cite,i asked abah to stop me quite far from the gatelast Thursday.It wasquite jam in the school area cuz cars were lingering everywhere.With an umbrella,slowlyand patiently i arranged my steps to the school..what a pity of me when i had to walk against the rain!With wet uniform and dirty shoes(kasut baru weyh) i had to wear them for the whole day..(at last aku ponteng gak gotong-royng petang tuh..sory dearezz!)
After all,i don't even go to see the need lorh,,(i need it very badly)i'm just thinking bout why i need to see the doctor when i simply don't know how to describe my condition??i mean ape aku nak jawab bila doktor tu tanye aku sakit ape,rase camane,kat mane bahagian paling sakit..i just don't know how to answer all kind of that silly(?!)question!so there's no point for me to see him(huk alaa nak doktor lelaki)kang aku gi klinik tayang muka lawoo(ahakz!)kene marah fact,i  have to lay on bed,sleep for about 4 to 5 hours,drinks glasses of milk and eats 8 oranges in 8 hours just in order to know what,2 days are enough for me to recover without seeing doctor!!yeahh saya orang kuat!bukti??ney da aktif facebooking and blogging baleq..

Monday, January 3, 2011

School's first day..

Sun shines bright and i can see the blue sky up there..Totally different from these past few days..Yeaa nice day without rain..(hujan pun bez jugak..)As i entered the school past few hours ago,i made my way straight to 3J(First class in form 3!)Hahaha sukati jee evn i didn't know where's should be my class..At last,one of my friend told me that yes i am in this class!Syukur..But..she went to 3R..Hadoyaii how come dear..??sokey2 but promis me that you will do your best in this coming exam just in order to get a place in 3S..By the way,first day in school today was just fine..Can't wait to start study and explore many new things!!Hah i am 15 now!!(err 14 years 8 months 30 days)Much bigger and matured i think lalalala~

Jap jap jap..masa balik skola tadi,aku nampak ada van kat depan uma dia.Ada banyak gak laa kotak2 dalam van tuh.Haa awak nak pindah da ke??Takde cakap pun..Sedey laa aku..

P/s Happy 15th birthday Nabilah!May our friendship will last for eva with His blessing..Will always remember you..Caayang Nabilah sangat sangat sangat..


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Diary 2011..

Yeah..third diaries i've wrote..starting from 2009,2010 and now 2011..It's not a necessary but some people(aku la tuh)are used to have a diary..For me,writting diary is an informal practise in order to write better english composition..yaa since my english is quite bad,writting diary can improve my skills i think..I really wanna take something like english communication's class but i still don't have an opportunity to do that..Actually,it's not an easy thing to find classes like that since we just have formal tuitions for exam preparation..Well i hope i can speak flowly when i get 16..(too late huh?).

Well talking bout new year,i don't  realize that i had left 2010..Heavy rain makes me feel comfortable in that scarlet comforter with Amy in my hands..Aman n Ajaq said that they waited for the countdown..Their aim was playing games in the middle of night!Games addicter huh!2011 waits me with a lot changes to do..Yes i really wanna change those disgusting habits in myself..After all..
-long nails are not allowed for the member of this sweet home..
-study for life not just facing exam..
-don't think too much bout that unnecessary related to heart..
-limitations on facebooking,texting and blogging..(Allah help me!)

And for this new year year,i would like to have my hair been cut..V cut maybe suits on me..Well having long hair makes me satisfy..but during this rainy season,i'm afraid that my hair damp and's hard to make sure it is fully dry even with hairdryer..What's more..hah can i dye my hair??please!!my skin is fairer now(really?!)and i would not look like an orang asli..Whatever Nasuha..Okeh got to the way,welcome 2011 !!